Enchilada Lunch

Enchilada Lunch is a fundraiser event for the Children’s Ministry and money raised will go to help fund the cost of this years VBS.  Mrs. Michelle will be cooking these lunches that will be available to pick up after service on March 17th.  Please purchase your lunch tickets early so that we can get an […]

Wednesday Night Service Feb.

In the Month of Feb. our adult classes will be focused on Dream Again.  We will do things like vision boards where we keep the desires of our hearts out in our front line of vision.  We hope you will join us for the Month of Feb.  We also have our Nursery available for kids […]

King & Queen of Hearts

The Fire Place Kids will be collecting money for the whole month of Feb.  You will see kids going around asking for your support for King or Queen of Hearts.  The Boy and the Girl who raises the most money during the month of Feb. will be crowned King and Queen on March. 3, 2024.  […]

Sex Education in our Schools

The Fire Place is hosting Safeguard Our Schools. They will be here informing parents/guardians on how sex education is taught within our schools, as well and when they start teaching it.   Come out and join us at 403 Walton Ferry Rd., Hendersonville, TN  37075.  The enemy is after our children and it is our responsibility […]

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